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May 31, 2008


Everyone is familiar with stress and everyone experiences stress at times – adults, teens, and even kids. Stress is an unavoidable part of life.

What is Stress?
Stress is a feeling that is created when we react to particular events. The events that provoke stress are called stressors.
The stress response of the body is somewhat like airplane readying for take-off. Virtually all systems (the hearth and blood vessels. the lungs. the sensory organs, and brain) are modified to meet the perceived danger.
Stress is body’s way of responding to any kind of demand. It can be caused by both good and bad experiences.

Good stress
Getting ready to go to a big dance or sitting down for a final exam. A little of this stress can help keep you on your toes, standby to a challenge.

Stress overload
Stress overload is a different story - too much stress is not good for people. For example, feeling a little stress about a test that's coming up can motivate you to study hard. But stressing out too much over the test can make it hard to concentrate on the material you need to learn.

Knowing how to "de-stress" and doing it when things are relatively calm can help you get through challenging circumstances that may arise.

Be realistic
Get a good night sleep
Learn to relax
Treat your body well
Watch what you’re thinking
Solve the problems



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