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May 25, 2008

China Earthquake Donation

Earthquake Affected Regions

On May 12, 2008 China experienced a 7.9 earthquake in Sichuan Province. Currently, in the aftermath of the earthquake, rescue workers across southwest China struggle to reach the tens of thousands of people who remain buried, as the death toll climbs above 60,000. That toll is likely to rise still higher as workers break through to affected areas, making the earthquake China’s deadliest natural disaster in three decades. Hundreds of thousands are injured or homeless.

The Library Project has created a program, "Earthquake Affected Regions", to help rebuild the educational system that was affected as a result of the earthquake. It is projected that hundreds of elementary schools have been damaged in the Sichuan and Shaanxi Provinces. The Library Project will be providing books and libraries for elementary schools and orphanages as they are rebuilt or repaired.

Temporary Schools

Hundreds of elementary schools have been damaged because of the May 12th earthquake in China. The Library Project will be providing books and libraries for elementary schools and orphanages as they are rebuilt or repaired.

Get Involved

You can make an impact to countless children's lives that have been affected by the May 12th earthquake by getting involved.

Are you an individual?
You can make a difference by placing a donation to provide childrens books and libraies to these very special elementary schools and orphanages, by organizing a small charity event, or by collecting Chinese language children's books.

Are you a company?
Corporate donors can make a huge impact by donating one or more mobile libraries to the affected regions. Getting your employees involved by asking them to donate children's books for these schools is a great way to make a huge impact.

In-Kind Donations

In-Kind Donations of Chinese language children's books, bookshelves, and the use of trucks as transportation to afected regions are greatly needed to keep our costs down and help provide educational assistance to more children.


What will your donation be used for?


Purchases everything needed for ten libraries


Purchases everything needed for one library


Purchases one bookshelf packed full of Chinese language children's books


Purchases one hundred Chinese language children’s books


Purchases mats, posters, plants, and other extras for a library


Purchases one local language children's book

Online Donations

Online donations are an important part of our fundraising efforts. By making a donation, you can provide essential funding for us to deploy strategically to areas in need. The Library Project is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization, and all donations are tax deductible.

Matching Donations

Double your donation with a Matching Gift from your company! Find out how by clicking here!

If you prefer, you may also give by mail or phone:

The Library Project, Inc.
4362 East Gatewood Road
Phoenix, AZ, 85050, USA


Still have questions? Please contact Tom Stader via email by clicking here.


Account name:
HSBC China Earthquake Relief

Account number:


Account name:
HSBC Myanmar Cyclone Relief
Account number:



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